
Never dreamed I’d be here, but I’m glad I am! Saw an interesting quote on the web a while back by James Thurber, the American writer best known for Walter Mitty.  He wrote: “Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.”  What are you aware of today?  What made you aware?

For me, it is the little things in life–sunshine, smooth traffic, good coffee.  In this regard I am pretty easy to please.  The ordinary every day passage of life is pretty fascinating when you stop to think about it and the merger of thoughtful awareness and imagination is the source of good fiction.

I try not to carry the baggage from the past–it just weighs me down and holds me back.  That is hard to do because life can be hard too.  I also remember waking up one morning several years ago thinking–I am done being afraid of the “them” that the TV wants us to be afraid of.  It was a very liberating feeling!  We all are afraid at times.  When there is a health scare.  When there’s too much month left at the end of the money.  When our kids are out later than they should be. etc etc etc……. But if we give that full reign to the worst, then we end up making our own world very small indeed.

So I am lifting my mug of hot creamy coffee to say:  Hey there–I’m looking for a bigger world, one that keeps me curious and excited enough to haul it out of bed in the morning.  Part of the purpose of my writing–both fiction and non-fiction–is trying to stay aware.  I invite you to share your experience and I will share mine.  This could be the beginning of a great friendship!


Comments?  Concerns? Questions? 

